Bukomansimbi Organic Tree Farmers Association
The Bukomansimbi Organic Tree Farmers Association works to promote the planting of indigenous trees in Uganda, in particular the mutuba tree (ficus natalensis) and ensansa (phoenix reclinata). Through this work, we support integrated farming and regional cultural crafts such as barkcloth making and plaited mat-making.

Coffee Wilt disease in Bukomansimbi District
Coffee wilt disease has broken out in Bukomansimbi, with farmers losing hundreds of coffee trees - on which they are dependent for their income. This is a very serious challenge affecting our community - in Kibinge sub-county more than 400 farmers are affected. More information on our blog page, as well as details of a fundraiser to sensitise the community about this issue. We are urgently appealing for scientific researchers to help us find a solution to coffee wilt and for support to help us stop the spread.
Five years back this disease was seen in Bukomansimbi District, but the rate at which it was spreading was less. Right now the disease has regained strength and has become more effective - even affecting new coffee trees.
From December 2020 to date, 400 farmers have lost 80000 coffee trees and the disease is spreading at a fast speed. As one of the affected farmers from Kasota village, Stephen Kamya (BOTFA Manager and Treasurer) has himself lost 500 coffee trees to coffee wilt since December to date.
The worst affected farmer in the area has lost 650 trees from December to date.

Teaching our children about mushroom cultivation
Our team worker Denis Nyombi was then able to share these techniques with school children as part of our community outreach to support food security.
Paul Bukenya Katamiira wins Janzi Award
Founder member of BOTFA and 9th generation barkcloth craftsman Paul Bukenya Katamiira was awarded
Outstanding Craftsman in the Janzi Awards in December 2021. The Janzi Awards are recognise outstanding achievements, innovations and diversity in Uganda’s Cultural, Creative and Performing Arts sector. A recording of the full ceremony can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SKr_8WR-NQ

Mushroom growing workshop
A Ruud Boon and Michael Brans from Kinderen Von Uganda visited us to deliver training on mushroom growing to BOTFA members and the community, using waste husks from community members' coffee production. Nothing is wasted - everything has a purpose.
Mutuba nursery
We continue to encourage our community to grow mutuba, esansa and other indigenous trees to improve biodiversity in our region. These baby trees are ready to be planted out.

Mushrooms grown on waste coffee husks
We use circular systems to make sure that any waste from our endeavours can be used in a beneficial way. These mushrooms have been grown on waste husks from our community's coffee growing.
Sapling project takes root
Our sapling project continues to offer young mutuba and other indigenous trees to the local community, to build natural canopy in integrated farming, nourish the soil and combat climate change.